
Words of a Fether

I am the way, the truth, and the life;
no one comes to the Father except through me. ~Jesus

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To The Point: The Trinity

An explanation of the nature of God as shown in the Bible.

the trinityThe concept of God as a Trinity of “persons” sharing one will is hotly debated, even among professing Christians. To find the truth, we must look at what the Bible itself tells us. After all, there is no point in debating the nature of the Christian God without using the Bible and presuming its divine authorship.

One important aspect of God as a Trinity, which is not expressly stated as such but strongly inferred from many references, is that God has only one will. There is never an instance in scripture where the will of God is plural (that is, the “wills” of God). The sole exception is that of Jesus, who has had a dual divine/human nature since his incarnation.

The reason this is important is because hierarchy cannot exist in a single will. It is only Jesus’ human nature that has its own will and is subordinate to God, just as all other humans are subordinate to God.

The Unity of the One True God

(against tritheism, meaning three gods)

The Diversity of the Persons

(against modalism, meaning one God with three roles or manifestations)

The Shared Authority of the Persons

(against strict and exclusive roles among the Persons)

The Divinity of the Son

The Divinity and Sentience of the Holy Spirit

(being both God and a Person)

Here is the logical proof:

The Holy Spirit is referred to as “she” in the Hebrew, and “it ” in the Greek. But regardless of the grammatical gender of pronouns, it is clear from the totality of scripture that the Holy Spirit is not a mere force but is in fact a Person of the Trinity just as much as the Father and Son. But just as clearly, the Holy Spirit is not gendered, just as the Father is not gendered (Num. 23:19, John 4:24). Though God is described as having body parts in various passages, these are anthropomorphisms (ways to describe in human terms). Only Jesus in his incarnation is gendered (Phil. 2:5-11), since he alone has the dual nature of both God and human.


There is one God, composed of three Persons, each of which is fully God and not a physical or gendered entity. Jesus alone has a dual nature as both divine and human, the latter of which was physical and gendered at his incarnation. Critics of this view, whether believers or unbelievers, have to ignore or reinterpret all of these passages in order to claim otherwise.

Posted 2014-06-08 under refuting, trinity, false, teachings, point